Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Perspective and proportion

Now double that. And add $170 Billion. That's the price tag of the bailout...
Sometimes we just have to put things into the proper perspective in order to view them properly.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Is this just my problem??

There is something I don’t understand and I’m hoping someone can explain it to me. I guess you could call this complaining, or maybe it is just this compulsion I have to make the world a perfect place when it comes to all the little things in life. I recognize I don’t have any influence on the big things and have relegated myself to working on the small stuff and letting the important people take care of the big stuff.

But I digress. I had started to talk about one of those little, annoying things we seem to run into in this world that defy reason, briefly annoy us, and then we move on with absolutely no progress being made to correct the offending action.

Ok, so what am I talking about? It’s magazines, or more specifically magazine page numbers. What could possibly be wrong with magazine page numbers you ask? Ok, take a typical magazine, just about any magazine, and look at the contents in the front of the magazine. Wait, let me digress for just a brief moment here to talk about something else that bothers me. Question: were you actually able to locate the contents of the magazine? In a great number of magazines I read, the contents are cleverly hidden after several pages of ads in the front and then the contents are spread out in such a way as to allow even more ads to intersperse into the contents. It becomes a chore just to find and read the contents.

Ok, that digression is over and we will move on. Let’s say you have succeeded in locating the contents with all the promise of fascinating articles with Pulitzer Prize level of journalism. You wade through the contents and actually locate the article you want to read and, sure enough, the table of contents dutifully lists the page number in the magazine where the article appears.

But wait, before we proceed, there is one other thing we need to discuss. One other minor item regarding magazines and the table of contents. Have you ever picked up a magazine, looked at the cover, and became interested in the cover article, only to turn to the table of contents to locate the article in the magazine, only to find the article was missing, or cleverly hidden under a totally different or unrelated name than the one listed on the cover? I would like that one explained to me also.

Ok, let’s get back to the original rant if we can only remember where we were. (Actually, I’m the one who has to remember. If you are reading this, all you have to do is start at the beginning and refresh your memory. If you get to this point in the article a second time, just skip this section and move on because you are caught in an endless “writer’s” loop.) We had located the article we were interested in reading in the table of contents and checked the contents listing for the page number of the article. Then we turn to the listed page and read the article. But…….where is the page? I mean the article is supposed to begin on page 37, and we try to turn to page 37, but there doesn’t seem to be a “page number 37”!! Oh, there is probably a 37th page no doubt and it is physically located after the 36th page in the magazine, but there is no actual page number on the 37th page nor is there an actual page number 36 to help guide us. In fact, better than half the pages don’t have page numbers on them so we are left to find a page number somewhere in the magazine, totally unrelated to our chosen article, and then begin the arduous process of counting the subsequent pages until we reach our destination. Why can’t they simply number ALL the pages? Is ink that expensive that they can’t afford to print the page numbers? I don’t think so. It is just simple laziness on the part of whoever does the page layout. I realize it has to get really boring typing in all those consecutive numbers. Either that or there is a more personal aim here and the guy just wants to annoy all of the readers of the magazine.

My problems are two: first, am I the only one who notices this or is bothered by it? I certainly hope not or I’m going to feel really lonely out here, blathering endlessly about what every other person in the world either doesn’t notice, or doesn’t consider to be a problem. And second: what can be done about it? Are there enough of you OCD types out there who really care about problems like this or am I left standing here, all alone to fight the good fight, to right all the wrongs of the world, at least all the ones small enough for me to be concerned with.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Don't you all even try and act like you already knew this!!

I can’t take credit for this one, it was forwarded to me by my sister-in-law. However, I do appreciate the new awareness.

Don't you all even try and act like you all ready knew this either.I had to go into the kitchen and check this out for myself. Whoever looks at the end of your aluminum foil box? You know when you try to pull some foil out and the roll comes out of the box. Then you have to put the roll back in the box and start over. The darn roll always comes out at the wrong time.Well, I would like to share this with you. Yesterday I went to throw out an empty Reynolds foil box and for some reason I turned it and looked at the end of the box. And written on the end it said, Press here to lock end. Right there on the end of the box is a tab to lock the roll in place. How long has this little locking tab been there? I then looked at a generic brand of aluminum foil and it had one, too. I then looked at a box of Saran wrap and it had one too! I can't count the number of times the Saran wrap roll has jumped out when I was trying to cover something up.I'm sharing this with my friends. I hope I'm not the only person that didn't know about this.

Friday, March 20, 2009

A couple more photos

Today I have uploaded a couple more photos of the shuttle launch showing the smoke trail left by the shuttle and the solid rocket boosters, including right after separation of the boosters. Sinc e the launch took place shortly after sunset and since we were looking towards the east, the setting sun, reflecting off the smoke trail, lent a particularly spectacular glow to the trail. The people in this photo are my SIL and BIL, gazing at the smoke trail, while a palm tree waves in the breeze.
As I am writing this I am watching NASA TV and their coverage of the deployment of the new solar panel on the ISS. Thus far everything seems to be going well.
I am still trying to find time to transfer my videos over to the computer and hope to have that done shortly. It has been a busy week, what with supervising the install of carpet over at Mom and Dad's house, and then taking Linda to the Dr. office yesterday. I think all the pressing issues have been cleared up and hopefully we can get back to a normal schedule soon. This retirement thing is hectic and I need a lot of rest to keep up with all the demands! :)
Today is Friday and it is the first day of spring. Believe it or not, this isn't a major event here in Florida! Up north we live for this day, and it's promise of warmth and flowers. In Florida, it is just another warm, sunny day. Hohum!! :)
We have several potential pastimes this coming weekend and don't know which of them will actually happen but stay tuned for an update. You never know what excitement we will be involved in.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Spectacular launch STS 119

I'm not going to make a long post today, simply because my brain is fried and still recovering from yesterday's events. The trip to the shuttle launch was great and the actual launch was spectacular. If there is any chance at all that any of you can make a personal trip to Kennedy Space Center to witness a launch, I highly recommend it. However, do NOT try to leave the area around there the same day, it is a disaster!
Above are three photos I took as the shuttle engines ignited and the orbiter began to lift off. We are able to see the shuttle even after it was over 400 miles down range! What an amazing experience. I have more photos and some video which I will get to as soon as possible.
By the way, here is a list of the remaining shuttle launches, scheduled into 2010. Get busy making your travel plans soon!!
Feb. 12, 2009 — Discovery (STS-119/15A) will kick off a five-flight 2009 by delivering the final pair of U.S. solar arrays to the space station.

May 15, 2009 — Endeavour (STS-127/2JA) will set sail with the final permanent components for the Japanese Kibo Laboratory on the space station.

July 30, 2009 — Atlantis (STS-128/17A) will launch carrying science and storage racks to the space station.

Oct. 15, 2009 — Discovery (STS-129/ULF-3) will place spare components outside the space station.

Dec. 10, 2009 — Endeavour (STS-130/20A) will close 2009 by delivering the final connecting node, Node 3, and the Cupola, a robotic control station that provides a 360-degree view around the station.

Feb. 11, 2010 — Atlantis (STS-131/19A) begins the first flight in 2010, carrying a Multi-Purpose Logistics Module filled with science racks for the laboratories of the station.

April 8, 2010 — Discovery (STS-132/ULF-4) will carry an integrated cargo carrier to deliver maintenance and assembly hardware, including spare parts for space station systems.

May 31, 2010 — Endeavour (STS-133/ULF-5) will carry critical spare components that will be placed on the outside of the station.

Friday, March 13, 2009

An excellent adventure.

I have been busy lately and my blog posts have suffered, not because there is nothing to write about, but because there is TOO MUCH!!!

In the last week we had the opportunity to go out on the gulf in Larry's boat. This was fun and exciting. Then a day later, we also helped Larry move his boat into a "rackominium". This is a place where they store your boat inside a building where there are huge racks to set the boat on. The rackominium company uses this huge forklift to snatch the boat out of the water and carry it into the building where it lifts the boat up onto the rack for storage. When you want to go out on the water, you call ahead and when you arrive at the dock, your boat is in the water, ready to go. Really a neat concept which also protects your boat from the elements. Unfortunately, this project came up rather suddenly and I didn't have time to get my camera. Next time we are at the rackominium, I will take pictures.

Today we have some running around to do and then the day will unfold. I will try to post some updates later on the status of the shuttle launch which is now scheduled for this coming weekend.

Monday, March 09, 2009

RV awnings

A typical recreational vehicle (RV) comes equipped with an awning which can be deployed by the RVer to provide a degree of protection from the prevailing weather, either sun or rain. Generally these awnings are attached to the side of the RV and are constructed to provide for ease of deployment/retraction and storage.As a rule, the RV travels down the highway with the awning attached to the side of the RV in the retracted position. Of necessity, the typical RV awning is constructed from lightweight material to reduce weight. For this reason and to introduce adjustability and strength, the construction of the typical RV awning is an assembly of arms, latches, slides, and various adjustments. Because of this the typical RV awning is strong enough to provide the desired protection, but it is not designed to withstand another force of nature, namely wind! If you have your awning deployed during a strong wind, there is a very good chance it will be damaged, typically by wrapping itself around itself and up over the top of the RV to which it is attached. Because of this typical awning wind damage also introduces a bit of associated RV damage, both to the attachment points and even to the roof and sidewalls where the arms come crashing into the RV.

It goes without saying that you need to give some consideration to the condition of your awning if you are aware that a strong wind is imminent. That consideration should include whether your awning is deployed or retracted and if deployed, is it attached to a fixed object such that the awning will not be damaged by the expected winds. In addition, any potential damage can happen in the blink of an eye, even when you are least expecting it. For this reason, it is not a good idea to have a short attention span when your awning is deployed and there is a strong wind blowing. Better to take the time to retract the awning and then move on to other activities.
If your attention span has kept you reading this far, you may wonder why I have photos of the space shuttle and the crew. Well, this weekend I got confirmation from a campground over on the east coast that I have a site reserved for this coming Wednesday night. The campground is about 5 miles from Kennedy Space Center, and I will be able to watch the shuttle launch from our campsite. Launch is scheduled for Wednesday at 9:20 PM. The shuttle crew flew from Houston Sunday and arrived at Kennedy at 2:45 PM. Here's hoping the launch will go off as scheduled and I will have photos to post later this week!

Friday, March 06, 2009

why did the chicken cross the road.......quickly??

I am probably safe in saying that the vast majority of Americans drive to wherever they need to go. Granted they may walk a little when they arrive, but in general, the first step in any journey is picking up the car keys. Since we spend so much time driving, and so little time walking, it occurs to me that we (myself included) are losing the ability to cross roads, primarily busy roads. I realized this a while back, when I had to cross the street separating my business location from the auto repair shop “over there” on the other side. My wife’s car was in for repair and when it was finished I walked over to pick it up and recognized how little recent practice I have had crossing streets and how much I had to focus on the task at hand. The road is two lanes and normally quite busy from both directions. That day was no exception. I had to look left, then right, then left again until it was clear. As I started across the street I realized that it takes a really looooong time to walk across a busy street. You have to see the oncoming traffic, judge their speed and calculate how long you have to make it across, not to mention the possibility that I might trip and fall. Yikes!! Why am I even doing this??? Granted, I reached the other side and retrieved my wife’s car and DROVE it back across. Based on this hair-raising experience, I can now understand why we drive places. Whatever you do, don’t forget the attention span that is required to cross a road.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

I lost an old friend yesterday. Sad to say, one of my favorite jeans finally became too shabby for even me to wear. As I was sitting at my computer yesterday the top of the left leg unilaterally parted from the bottom of the leg, as I was sitting there watching!!! Later in the day, a similar situation happened with the right leg. It was as if there was some kind of vast left leg conspiricy concocted against me, that the right leg was dupped into joining. Hey don't laugh, it happens!! Anyway, this particular pair of jeans had a lot of history with me, as do many of your jeans I'm certain. Understand, I am not a very imaginative person. I know what kind of jeans fit me and when I need a new pair of jeans, I go to the same store I went to last time, and buy the same brand, size and style I bought last time. This procedure requires no thought, no planning, no effort, and most of all, does not require me to disrobe in the store's changing booth, a process I rank up there on the "unpleasantness factor", with the my last root canal! However, this particular pair of jeans was different. It was not Levi's 505, medium cut, straight leg, 32w, 30l, but rather it was a pair of those trendy jeans with all the pockets sewed onto the butt and the legs, and with a loop on the side, ostensibly I assume, to carry my hammer. I have had this particular pair of jeans for several years now and originally received them from my son Larry Jr. as a Christmas present. I seem to recall this was his attempt to get dad to dress up to the times. I have to admit that early on, I didn't like the jeans because they were "different". However, as time went on, I grew attached to them and developed a fondness towards them which now causes me a great deal of sadness to see them depart. I tried a while ago to patch the jeans with iron on patch material from JoAnn, but the holes kept appearing and the fabric kept disappearing until it just got to the point of diminishing returns.
And so today, March 4, 2009, we celebrate the passing of my jeans, my different jeans. Today, I am wearing a brand new pair of jeans. These are Levi's 505 jeans and are made from a bright blue jeans material. They are stiff, but they fit and with time will develop the character that old, comfortable jeans develop, but they will never take the place of my "different" jeans. They don't have the hammer loop on the leg!

Tuesday, March 03, 2009


I like Sally Field as an actress. I am old enough to remember Gidget movies, and the flying nun. Ms. Field is cute, perky and talented, having won two oscars. What makes her stand out in my mind is her willingness to publically express her vulnerability in front of her peers at the oscar ceremony in 1984. In her speech she said, "I haven't had an orthodox career, and I've wanted more than anything to have your respect. The first time I didn't feel it, but this time I feel it, and I can't deny the fact that you like me, right now, you like me!" This was a very vulnerable moment for her and many media figures made fun of her for expressing herself in such a manner.
It a similar way, we put ourselves out there for public ridicule when we post on the internet. Sometimes the scorn and ridicule is made worse because those heaping the scorn are protected by the anonymity provided by the internet.
In some ways, the internet is an amazing source of information. You want to learn about ANYTHING? Just type it into your favorite search engine and within .00093 seconds, you have 2,367,000 results! In other ways the internet has opened up a window on our collective soul that often reveals a darker side of human nature. Further, if you are willing to put yourself out on the internet in a vulnerable way, that darker side of human nature is able to attack or embarrass you by exploiting that vulnerability. It is a shame that some internet users rely on this curtain of privacy as this makes being honest a more difficult option. One must always be on the lookout for internet bullies when posting personal information or feelings. But consider that Ms. Field survived and is doing well despite the ridicule to which she was subjected. Regardless, the internet, good or bad, is here to stay.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Back to work

Wow, it's been a long weekend here on the suncoast, but it's Monday morning and we are back to work here so the rest of you can relax! The weekend started out on Friday with a birthday party for Mom Hodson. I will be politically correct and not reveal her age, I just hope I am doing that well when/if I reach it.

We had a good time visiting with mom and dad, eating chinese food plus the birthday cake, then finished the evening splitting two games of 500.

Saturday Linda went to St. Pete with Larry Jr. and Krista to check out a strawberry festival. the reviews I heard were not great, but Linda got a chance to do a little walking and apparently it went well. I stayed home to work on the screen room and got things set up just in time for the 35 mph winds to knock everything down so the rain could get in and soak everything. :(

Sunday was very windy with rain so we spent most of the day inside watching TV. In the afternoon we went over to Larry's to watch the race. The pups got a bath so they would look nice for their visit to their cousins house. The pups played the whole time we watched the race and then slept soundly all night. If you watch nascar at all you will know that Kyle Busch crossed the finish line first! :(

Today the wind is still blowing, but the sun is shining and we are expecting 80 by the end of the week. :) We will try to get the screen room put back together and then get going on some other projects. Busy, busy, busy!