Tuesday, March 03, 2009


I like Sally Field as an actress. I am old enough to remember Gidget movies, and the flying nun. Ms. Field is cute, perky and talented, having won two oscars. What makes her stand out in my mind is her willingness to publically express her vulnerability in front of her peers at the oscar ceremony in 1984. In her speech she said, "I haven't had an orthodox career, and I've wanted more than anything to have your respect. The first time I didn't feel it, but this time I feel it, and I can't deny the fact that you like me, right now, you like me!" This was a very vulnerable moment for her and many media figures made fun of her for expressing herself in such a manner.
It a similar way, we put ourselves out there for public ridicule when we post on the internet. Sometimes the scorn and ridicule is made worse because those heaping the scorn are protected by the anonymity provided by the internet.
In some ways, the internet is an amazing source of information. You want to learn about ANYTHING? Just type it into your favorite search engine and within .00093 seconds, you have 2,367,000 results! In other ways the internet has opened up a window on our collective soul that often reveals a darker side of human nature. Further, if you are willing to put yourself out on the internet in a vulnerable way, that darker side of human nature is able to attack or embarrass you by exploiting that vulnerability. It is a shame that some internet users rely on this curtain of privacy as this makes being honest a more difficult option. One must always be on the lookout for internet bullies when posting personal information or feelings. But consider that Ms. Field survived and is doing well despite the ridicule to which she was subjected. Regardless, the internet, good or bad, is here to stay.

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