Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Our family, Florida, golf outing.

Trying to catch up here. Monday this week dawned as a beautiful day with blue skies and a warm breeze. During dinner on Sunday we had discussed going golfing to take advantage of the weather and thus we did. We first went to grandma and grandpa's house to pick up grandpa, then off to Larry Jr.'s house to get him. Then to the golf course for our 1:07 tee time. Grandpa was driving Larry's cart and Linda was driving mine. About half way through the game Larry had convinced grandpa to try his hand at the game. What you need to know is that grandpa, in his prime, was a scratch golfer, meaning he would play a game and finish right at par for the course. Grandpa has not been on a golf course for about 38 years so it took some convincing just to get him out of his easy chair, but when he had the club in his hand, it was just like old times.

After selecting his club, Grandpa stepped up to the tee and clobbered the ball about 250 yards down the fairway. Ok, maybe that was an exageration, but still not bad for an 86year old who hadn't golfed in 38 years.

All in all, the outing was a success and we had a great time. Just a word of caution: when playing on a course in Florida, it is probably a good idea to avoid water. While this is true for most golf courses, it is particularly true in Florida. Further, if you happen to hit your ball into the water, my advice, leave it there and let Al the Alligator have it!!

1 comment:

janet said...

Watch out Tiger, Greg, Arnold... Grandpa is back!