Thursday, January 15, 2009

And yet we wait..........

Here we sit, waiting for the weather to get better. Maybe the weather will be better in Florida? Who knows?

However, there is hope on the horizon. Tomorrow is Friday, and Linda has hinted that she might just be ready to go. Oh, be still my beating heart!!!
We may be leaving tomorrow afternoon, or perhaps as late as Saturday afternoon. We still have a lot of packing to do, but can't do it until we are actually ready to go. Meantime, we sit and wait.....
Stay tuned for our exciting departure attempt. Our driveway is not only 400' long, but it is downhill, snow covered, slippery, and clogged with ice and snow right at the very bottom of the drive, right where we have to make the sharp right turn to get onto our road. Oh, and did I mention, when we turn onto our road we immediately begin an uphill climb to the next street? Thought not. Probably should mention our street is not very wide and right at the end of our drive, on the other side of our narrow road, there is an open ditch. That is right at the end of our downhill, slippery, snow covered drive!! What am I planning??!!

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