Thursday, January 22, 2009

Lafayette, we are here!

Ok, so I'm not General John Pershing, but we are finally in Florida, and we are getting settled into our site at the campground. It was quite an odyssey getting out of the snow and cold in Ohio and arriving here in Florida. Of course, Florida put out the welcome mat the last couple of days, trying to make us feel right at home (home being Ohio) with temperatures approaching freezing and high winds. Add in a very noisey rain storm the other night, coupled with overcast skies and we were feeling like we never left northern Ohio.
Here is a photo from our yard at the campground, taken this morning. You can decide whether to feel sorry for us or not.

If we had global warming,

we wouldn't have temps of 20 below.

If we had global warming,

we wouldn't be shovelin' snow!

Not to be totally negative, and while the temp this morning was 34 when we got up, I will say the sky is blue and the sun is shining, and we are expecting temperatures in the 70s this weekend. Way better than what the poor folks at home are experiencing.


janet said...

Hey - we are having a heat wave up north... it reached in the mid 30's! wahooo! break out the shorts and tee-shirts!

larrycad said...

Pictures! We want pictures of YOU, in shorts and a tee, IN THE SNOW!!!