Friday, January 30, 2009

Let's get back to work.........

or not. I mean, I AM retired, sort of. So, I shouldn't have to work. Except, as discussed the other day, I have a major problem keeping track of how long I have been retired. Now I have to really put forth a major effort to solve this problem because time is rapidly running out for me.

Let's review: As of today, January 30, 2009, I have been retired for 30 days. That part is easy. I know that because I am still in the first month of my retirement. However, it gets really complicated starting Sunday because we move into another month and now I have to keep track of the days in two months. Yikes!!! So, I am looking for a better way to keep track of the number of days I have been retired.

My friend Chuck suggested instead of using the Gregorian calender, I should use the Julian calender. I did some research on this and don't know for certain if this is an easier way. I mean, take a look at the above picture of a Julian calender which archaeologists dug up. There is a lot of explanatory information on the web, concerning Julian calenders, but it doesn't hold a lot of promise for a simple means of keeping track. Consider this, in the Julian calender yesterday would have been julian day 2454863.5. Sorry Chuck, I tried.
So, then I thought, how about the excel serial date? Seems to make sense to me. But that didn't work too well either. Consider that yesterday in the excel serial date calender would be 39845. Now, hopefully I will live long enough to be retired for 39845 days, but by then I would probably lose track anyway.
Finally, I stumbled across the iso 8601 calendar. This seems to hold the promise of keeping track of at least the first year of my retirement in a convenient format. Consider that today's date in the iso 8601 calendar is 2009-030. Tomorrow would be 2009-031, and the best part, Sunday would be 2009-032. Yes!!! I think we have found the short term answer to our problem. Now all I have to do is go to my local Staples or Office Max and get a brand new, shiny Iso 8601 calender! That was easy!


janet said...

Yo!F-I-L, just get a regular everyday calendar and mark off the days and at the end of each month count how many marks you have. Not only will this keep you up to date, it will also help with strengthing your brain! Or just throw in the towel and tell everybody that "I'm retired and I don't need to know what day it is anymore."

Anonymous said...

D-I-L, tooo simple and toooo complicated. And furthermore, I don't need to strengthen my brain......I'm retired!!!