Monday, January 26, 2009

Captain's log: stardate 3245.6

Our mission: to explore this desolate island to determine if it is suitable for human occupation. Thus far we have encountered large "humonoid" machines which appear to be able to roll across the tundra, although they seem prone to consume mass quantities of fossil fuel doing it. These interesting machines also appear to be equipped with crude life support systems which the early occupants referred to as "refrigerators", "stoves", etc. Fortunately we have carried our replicator and bio-matter resequencer with us from the mother ship, and as a result we are managing to survive. It appears the occupants, all of whom exist in an advanced age, with stooped shoulders, grey or white hair and whithered muscular systems, survive mostly on a compote type of food they refer to as "rice pudding" and spend their time engaged in an activity called "shuffleboard" which seems to produce no useful results.

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