Friday, February 20, 2009

Attention span Feb. 20, 2009

It occurred to me that in order to write anything at all about a subject, one should be somewhat familiar with the subject. In the case of attention span, it would probably be a good idea to have an attention span. However, if the subject focuses on a short attention span, it might be helpful to have a short attention span. Now, psychologists tell us that a persons attention span generally increases as the person grows up, with estimates of 3 to 5 minutes for each year of age, which probably means I am about 3 years old, despite my outward appearance, and the fact I recently started receiving social security.

In order to resolve this conflict, I resorted to the good old standby of testing, and found an “attention span” test on the internet. If you are interested, here is the link:

I scored a 56 out of 100, which I guess indicates I’m a little above average, which doesn’t say a whole lot about the rest of you. However, if you have managed to stay with me this far, you aren’t doing too badly. If you are concerned about your attention span and want to do something about it, there are exercises you can do to improve it. I’m told this only works on single men as married men are too far gone and their attention span has attritted beyond hope.


janet said...

I have an attention span of a knat at school... not good. Oh dear FIL- we have the same score.

larrycad said...

You are therefore in good company. Welcome to the club. Uhhhhhhhhhhhh............what were we talking about??