Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Attention span: Goldfish

While I was researching my book about attention span, it became apparent that there is a fairly large sub-culture that exists which concerns itself with the attention span of goldfish! Yep, it’s the truth. Don’t believe me, check it out!


There are actually groups of people who have done studies to determine the attention span of goldfish, developing elaborate scientific experiments to determine said attention span. As best I can determine, the results of these experiments and studies have concluded that indeed, goldfish DO have an attention span and as near as they can determine, it is about 4 seconds.

Now, I don’t have a problem with this. If that’s what they determined, so be it. Actually, I can’t dispute it because I don’t want to go to the trouble of checking it out myself to see if it’s accurate. Besides, what are the real consequences of an inaccurate measure of a goldfish’s attention span? I don’t see it creating havoc on the highways, or resulting in some foreign war being fought. So, I will accept what I hear and move on.

Except…….I really have to wonder if there isn’t some better, more useful and productive activity these folks could involve themselves in, better than attempting to determine the attention span of goldfish.

And finally, we have a very nice video of our puppies playing with their Florida "cousins" DJ and Kasey Kahne. Talk about attention span.......................


janet said...

Wow- sometimes I feel like a goldfish in more ways than one...

larrycad said...

Guppy! I think guppy, more than goldfish.

janet said...

Hmmmmmm- I wonder how the wonder twins would play with all the puppies?!? Would be great to see all the cousins/aunt/uncle play together