Thursday, February 26, 2009

Shifting gears

Today we're going to shift gears and spend some time pondering a recent event that has captured the imagination of much of our country. I'm talking about what has been dubbed, "the miracle on the hudson", or more specifically the crash of U.S. Airways flt 1549 on January 15. You don't have to be a pilot to appreciate what the crew of this flight accomplished that day, and much has been written about the event. In this age of ego and "me first", it is refreshing to listen to the pilot, Chesley Sullenberger, testify and describe the event. In my mind, Sully is the kind of guy I would like my kids to have as a hero. He is obviously an accomplished pilot, but he is also modest. A combination seldom found in the aviation business. Sully has also demonstrated a keen insight, both of himself and the aviation industry. I don't know what his politics are, but I wish more people like Sully would get into the political arena. It is certainly easy to see why this event has impressed the public so much. First, it had a happy ending with no lives being lost. Second, the main character is so likeable, and so capable and modest. I have no doubt the story will be made into a movie soon and I hope Hollywood gets this one right, no "superheros", just a super hero.

What prompted me to write this was that this morning I received the attached photos from a street in E. Rutherford N.J., in an email from a friend and wanted to share them with you. Just imagine waking up to an airplane driving down your street! Pretty impressive. I wonder if this one will end up on NatGeo and Mega Movers?


janet said...

Just imagine the excuse you could use to your boss on being late! "I am sorry I am late getting to work, but I was stuck behind a plane!" I guess that one would be for the books! On a serious note, I totally agree with you on Capt. Sully- we need more Super Heros like him.

larrycad said...

Yep, a true gentleman